Hyatt’s salt piles magnificently transcend the actual. Hyatt’s lens documents a spiritual geometry: he fixes not just form, light, and shadow, but the timelessness of the contemporary moment, even as it passes. Removed from their everyday context, their scale rendered ambiguous, the images in Hyatt’s Portsmouth Salt Pile Series have an epic quality, a sense not just of grandeur, but of the cosmic and the impersonal. Though apparently as fixed as the Egyptian pyramids, in fact the Portsmouth Harbor salt piles are ever changing, as Hyatt points out, “constantly moving and yet contained.” For Hyatt the site seems to function something like a zen rock garden, a nexus of chaos and order, inviting spiritual contemplation of the time-bound and the eternal, “a meditation on light, sky, fog.” — Christopher Volpe
To acquire fine prints or inquire about exhibitions, please email Carl Austin Hyatt below. Write to Carl Austin Hyatt Photographer, PO Box 604, Portsmouth NH 03802